Cloth Dolls by Stitch 'N Stuff
Original design cloth dolls and cloth doll patterns -- online since 1995

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This Compensation Disclosure has been provided for your protection and to fully disclose any relationship between Cloth Dolls by Stitch 'N Stuff, and ("SNSDOLLS") regarding our product or service recommendations and the owners of those product or services. The owner of these websites is required by the FTC to inform you that a relationship exists between "SNSDOLLS" and Craftsy.

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The opinions expressed on my sites are those of myself as an individual and are not necessarily the opinions of, nor reflect the views of Craftsy; I have chosen to only recommend products and services on Craftsy that I use or have thoroughly researched. I earn a full-time living as a dollmaker/pattern designer, so it is essential that I maintain my credibility.

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